Outback Master Page 15
A woman with full lips glossed a deep plum-red, long waves of thick honey-blonde hair and a body most men would give their left nut just to gaze at.
A woman, Keith suspected—by the way she was dressed, the way she scanned the immediate area around her, the way her lips parted when her hidden gaze fell on him and Marc—who was just dying to be kissed by a sexy Aussie cowboy.
“Oh man.” Marc chuckled from Keith’s right, reaching up to adjust the hat on his head. “I look forward to kissing this one, Blue.”
Keith studied his best mate’s profile for a long second before turning back to the American standing beside the dented ute. “You know the rules, Thomo,” he said, watching Ronnie fuss over the vision in black. “First kiss claims the prize.”
Marc’s laugh was low. Dirty. Suggestive. “Game on, mate. Game on.”
Chapter 2
The leaner of the two cowboys sauntered over to her. There was no other way to describe the way he walked. Like sinful temptation, mischievous charm and cocky indolence.
Low-slung, faded jeans that had no hope of concealing the sizable bulge of his crotch hugged long, muscular legs. An equally faded chambray shirt wrapped a torso so perfectly proportioned—wide shoulders, flat stomach and narrow hips—that for a moment, Harper forgot how to breathe.
Her pulse kicked into overdrive and her mouth went dry. Her pussy, on the other hand, grew damp. Damp and tight.
Now that’s a cowboy.
“Thomo,” Ronnie muttered at her shoulder, turning his back on the approaching sex god in denim and a hat. “Watch out, he’s the smooth-talker of the two.”
Thomo—surely that had to mean Marc Thompson—stopped but a foot away from her, his sapphire-blue gaze roaming over her from head to toe. He touched the tip of his index finger to the brim of his hat, his lips curling in a smile. “G’day, love. You must be the American.”
Harper oozed poised calm and aloof indifference. Well…tried to. It was goddamn hard when her heart was thumping fast in her throat and her nipples were pinching in her bra. Holy crap, she’d never seen such a sexy example of maleness. Everything about the cowboy radiated testosterone, pleasure and carnal delight. And his accent? Oh God, after listening to Ronnie talk for the last four hours, she’d figured she was over the Australian accent already, but it seemed not.
“Hello,” she croaked back, her mouth dry. Damn, was she flushing? “I am.”
The cowboy’s lips curled a little more, turning the smile into a very seductive grin. “Welcome to Farpoint. I hope Big Mac here has been treating you right so far?”
Harper nodded. It was the only thing she could do. That and stare with helpless lust at the man in the hat before her, reminding herself he was gay. That seemed so unfair. Who said God didn’t have a sense of humor, putting a man like this on the planet and then making him off-limits for…
The wild mental tantrum faded out of Harper’s mind, her stare falling on the other cowboy she’d noticed earlier as he joined Marc.
She let out a soft gasp.
Christ, he was—
“G’day.” The cowboy stuck out his hand. Blue eyes twinkled beneath the brim of his hat. “I’m Keith Munroe, one of the hired hands here at Farpoint. Welcome to Australia, Ms. Shaw.”
If Harper didn’t love her brother so much, she’d curse him black and blue. She’d never been more aware of the fact she’d lived a very sheltered life until now. She wasn’t prepared for exposure to such raw manliness. If Marc Thompson was sinful temptation, mischievous charm and cocky flirtation wrapped in tight denim, Keith Munroe was potent strength, concentrated sexuality and rugged masculinity.
She stared at the cowboy, never more grateful for wearing sunglasses, even ones that cost her damn near a week’s pay.
He was broader in the chest than his companion and wider in the shoulders, but just as exquisite in his physique. His biceps strained against the cotton of his shirtsleeves, highlighting the sculptured form of his strength. The same potent power was barely concealed by tight jeans, the corded muscles of his thighs evident despite the material covering them.
Unable to stop herself, Harper slid her gaze to the cowboy’s groin. And jerked it up to his face again at the sight of a bulge as large as Marc’s trapped beneath his jeans.
Realizing Keith still stood waiting for her to shake his hand, she snagged it in both of hers, giving it a somewhat frantic shake. “H-hello.” Damn it, her voice was still croaky. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Keith laughed. “Nice to be met.”
Warm heat filled Harper’s cheeks at the greeting. She smiled at him, unable to tear her stare away. A lock of blond hair—tinged with faint copper-red—tumbled over his forehead from beneath his hat, brushing long, thick lashes a shade darker. His face was more tanned than Marc’s, a little more creased, but none the lacking for it, and he had a hawkish nose, adding to the air of absolute control and power the man exuded. A fine strawberry-blond stubble dusted a square jaw and chin, drawing her eye to the open collar of his shirt where a hint of a tattoo peeked out at her.
Men like this didn’t exist in Chicago. At least, if they did, she’d never met them.
Of course you haven’t. Why would you? With the way you live? The way you cower in shadows? The way Andrew guards over you whenever he’s in town?
She slid her stare to Marc, fighting the urge to moan. The dark-haired cowboy with the cocky grin and devilish eyes was studying her, the faint hint of a dimple creasing his cheeks.
Damn it, unprepared or not, overprotected or not, inexperienced or not, if it wasn’t for the fact they were gay, she’d throw herself at both of them and offer her body for their pleasure. That was the complete opposite of her normal reaction to a gorgeous guy, and these two guys were more than gorgeous.
Of course, they were gay, which, Harper guessed, made them the perfect company, especially for one as unprepared, overprotected and inexperienced as she. She could visually caress them all she wanted without fear of being—
“Found that stuck cow, Big Mac,” Keith suddenly said, his focus moving to Ronnie.
For a jarring moment, Harper found herself at a loss, wishing his gaze was still holding hers.
Behind her, Ronnie let out a choked cough. “You did?”
Marc laughed, and Harper had to bite her lip at the longing that rained through her at the sound. “Bloody wanker.”
Keith’s gaze returned to Harper’s face. “Would you like to take a shower, Ms. Shaw? Freshen up after your long flights?”
She nodded, caught off guard by the question. And the disarming, unexpected notion of sharing a shower with Keith Munroe…and Marc Thompson.
Holy crap, even her imagination was taking this whole opposite thing to surreal levels.
“Excellent.” Keith smiled at Ronnie, an unreadable expression crossing his features, before swinging to face Marc. “Thomo, can you take Ms. Shaw to the homestead to meet Mrs. Sullivan? Big Mac and I need to have a talk about the cow.”
Marc tapped the brim of his hat. “Surely can, Blue.”
“I can do that,” Ronnie said, and for the first time it dawned on her the verbose cowboy who’d collected her from the airport had hardly said a word since alighting from the pickup. “I thought I saw Hazel’s truck here when we drove through the gates, otherwise I would have taken Ms. Shaw there straightaway.”
“You just missed her.” Marc slid his hands into his hip pockets, and it was damn near impossible for Harper not to notice the front of his jeans pulled tighter over his groin. “She was wondering why we were here.” His dimples flashed again. “And not at the airport.”
To Harper’s surprise, Ronnie let out a muttered “shit”.
Marc laughed. “Wanker,” he said again.
Harper frowned. She’d need to find out what that word meant. It seemed important.
Keith’s focus returned to Harper and once again her body responded. “The homestead is just a quick drive up the road. Hazel will no
doubt show you around the place when you get there. She’s a top sort and loves having the chance to show off Farpoint.”
Determined to restore some decorum to her demeanor, Harper gave Keith a wide smile. “I can understand that. What I’ve seen so far is lovely.”
Marc Thompson eyed the truck. “By the state of the ute’s bonnet, you’ve already seen a ’roo. Is that right, Big Mac?”
Ronnie shuffled his feet. “We hit one just past Wallaroo Crossin’. Nothin’ too bad. It was long gone by the time we got out and looked for—”
“You’re here!”
The shout came from behind Harper. She started, as did Ronnie.
“Oh thank God,” the female voice called again, this time closer. “I was beginning to worry.”
Before Harper could even finish turning around, two warm palms pressed to either side of her face and, without warning, a soft pair of lips pressed to hers.
“Welcome to Farpoint!” said a woman Harper recognized as the owner of the cattle station—and her new boss for the next two weeks. She held Harper out at arm’s length. “I’ve heard so much about you, I feel like we’ve known each other forever.”
On Harper’s right, Marc laughed. “Looks like the boss got the first kiss, Blue.”
Harper didn’t get the chance to comment on the statement. Hazel Sullivan wrapped her arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. “Of course I get the first kiss,” the older woman said. “You think I’m going to let you two have your fun?”
The station owner smiled at Harper. “Amy tells me you’ve never left America before, Harper. I so hope you enjoy your time here.”
“I was just goin’ to bring her up to you, Mrs. Sullivan,” Ronnie offered.
Hazel gave the cowboy a quick look. “Yes, of course you were, Mr. McNamara. Now if you’ll excuse us, gentlemen, I’m going to take our guest—and new teacher—for a little tour of Farpoint. I’d suggest you all get back to work.”
And before anything else could be said, Hazel turned on the spot, her arm still snug around Harper’s shoulders, and walked away from the three men.
“Oh, and Mr. McNamara?” the matriarch called over her shoulder as she led Harper to a cherry-red Toyota pickup parked a few yards from the stables. “There’s a cow stuck out in the eastern billabong. See to it, will you? So I don’t have to tell Hunter?”
Behind them, Marc started laughing. As before, Harper felt her body respond in an entirely sexual way to the devilish sound.
“Is the cow going to be okay?” she asked the woman still hugging her close, needing the distraction.
Hazel gave her a wide smile. “The cow will be fine, dear. Don’t worry about it at all. Now tell me, how do you feel about snakes?”
Marc watched his boss walk away with the American woman who was about to spend a fortnight at Farpoint. “Okay,” he turned to Keith, “she’s either really shy or we just scared the shit out of her.”
“She’s lovely,” Ronnie piped up, “and not shy at all. But she is gay, so maybe your particular type of charm isn’t working.”
Ronnie laughed at Keith’s blunt response. “I spent the last few hours with her. She told me. Leavin’ her girlfriend behind in the U.S. was hard.”
Marc tossed Keith a quick look. Amy hadn’t told them Harper Shaw was gay. All she’d specifically said about the American—in the days of raving about the woman leading up to this teacher exchange—was that Harper was “lovely”, “an amazing, dedicated teacher” and “so excited about coming to Australia”. She’d never mentioned a girlfriend.
But then, she’d never mentioned the entirely sexy way Harper looked either.
Maybe Amy didn’t know?
That’s also bullshit. The way Amy talked, the two of them are damn near sisters. If Harper Shaw’s a lesbian, Amy would know.
“So you’re telling me,” Marc narrowed his eyes at Ronnie, “the kiss from the boss was more to Harper Shaw’s tastes than a kiss from either of us?”
The other man smirked. “I stand more of a chance of kissing her than you do, Thomo.”
Marc raised his eyebrows, folding his arms. “Is that right?”
“It is. And despite the fact I’m in the shit with the boss now, I’m glad I sent you two on a bum steer. At least Harper didn’t have to put up with you playing your game like you do.”
“Our game?” Marc affected a wounded expression. “Ah, Big Mac, you hurt me, mate. You really do. Blue and I don’t play any games. We are who we are and that’s just the way it is.”
Ronald McNamara snorted. “Who you are? Yeah, I know who you two—”
“Aren’t you meant to be dealing with a cow in the old eastern billabong right about now, Ronald?”
Keith’s calm voice cut over Ronnie’s sneer. The man stopped, sliding his stare from Marc to Keith. “You telling me what to do, Blue?”
Keith nodded. A single dip of his head.
“Since when are you—”
“Since about fifteen minutes ago,” Marc answered, uncrossing his arms to drape an elbow on the roof of the beat-up ute. “The boss told us. Apparently there’s a memo.”
Ronnie’s jaw bunched.
Marc was enjoying himself. He shouldn’t be. Not really. He got why Big Mac was pissed at him—the YouTube clip had been pretty bloody hilarious after all—but Ronald brought it all on himself. For starters, he’d covered Marc’s saddle in superglue the morning of the last south-herd roundup. For seconds, he’d used Marc’s toothbrush to clean his work boots after mopping up the mess of a calf being born.
Marc considered himself a pretty easygoing bloke, but when it came to Ronald…well, as his dead dad had always said, not everyone was meant to get along in this world. Farpoint Creek was no different, even if it was heaven on earth.
“Probably best you bugger off, Ronnie.” Keith’s voice was still calm, but Marc didn’t miss the edge to it. His friend had reached that point most of the hired hands recognized straightaway. The point where they shut up their yapping, quit their whining, put their heads down and got their arses out of there.
Marc couldn’t help but smile, a sense of pride rolling through him for the other man. There was a reason Hazel Sullivan had called Keith a born leader; it was just a matter of time before he decided to actually be one.
A cold finger of foreboding slipped up Marc’s spine at the thought. Fuck, what happened when Keith did head off to run his own station? Did Marc follow him? They never discussed any plans beyond the next day. Life was, in Marc’s opinion, too short to get serious about shit like that, but what would he do if faced with the choice of Keith on a station somewhere else and Farpoint, the place he’d spent his entire life? His only real home?
“You two think you’re so bloody funny, doncha?” Ronnie’s sneer yanked Marc away from the disquieting thought.
“Nothing funny about me, mate,” Keith was saying, his eyes lost in the shadows of his hat. “But Thomo’s a bloody riot.”
For a still moment, Ronnie didn’t move. Marc tensed, his body flooding with adrenaline at the distinct possibility the other man was going to try to slam one into Keith. It wouldn’t be the first time he and Keith had been in a fistfight. Just the first one with Big Mac.
And then, with a grunt, Ronnie stormed around to the driver’s side of the ute and yanked open the door.
“Don’t think you’re going to fit the cow in the back.”
Ronnie glared at Keith over the roof. “You know there’s no cow, right?”
Keith’s lips pulled into a slow smile. “Of course I do. But I’m still sending you out to look for one at the billabong.” He paused a beat. Long enough for Marc to see his knuckles whiten. “On foot.”
With a muttered curse, Ronnie slammed the door shut, shot one last glare at Keith—threw one Marc’s way for good measure—and then stormed away, fists clenched.
“Fuck a duck, Blue.” Marc let out a ragged breath. “That was tense.”
Keith let out his own b
reath, a long, slow exhalation that saw his broad shoulders loosen. “Remind me to punch the crap out of Dylan when he gets back from his honeymoon, will you? None of this would have happened if the bastard hadn’t taken off now.”
“Oh yeah, you really think I’m going to encourage you to hit the man who pays my wage?”
Keith snorted, removing his hat to drag a hand through his hair. “Hunter pays your wage, Thomo. He’s the brother in charge of the money.”
“Hey, you hit Dylan, you may as well be hitting Hunter. And I’m not letting you do either, ’specially now you’re third in charge. I plan on milking that position of power as much as I can.”
Keith cocked an eyebrow at him. “Is that right? And how exactly are you planning on doing that? Seeing as I’m the one in that ‘position of power’?”
Marc grinned. “I’m not telling you, mate. You’ll spoil all my bloody fun if I do.”
Keith rolled his eyes, tugging his hat back on. “Why do I put up with you?”
“Because I’m hung like a horse. You said so yourself.”
Keith walked around the ute’s bonnet and opened the driver’s side door. “Mention your dick one more time, Thomo, and it’ll be you I punch the crap out of.”
“What? You know you want it.”
Keith gave him steady look. “Shut the fuck up and get in, Marc. We’ve got to drop off Harper Shaw’s luggage to Amy’s place before Mrs. Sullivan finishes giving her the tour.”
Marc smirked. “Is that all we’ve got to do?”
Keith’s answering smile was close to a grin. “No. We’ve got to call Amy while we’re there. There’re a couple of questions I want to ask that girl.”
Marc opened the passenger door and dropped into the seat.
Ten minutes later, his cock painfully hard thanks to a filthy line of thought he’d kept to himself, they pulled up outside the small cottage Amy called home.
A traditional settler’s cottage dating back to the early 1800s, it had been the residence of the Farpoint Creek teacher since the Sullivan family established the cattle station. Over the years, each teacher living there had placed her mark on the quaint cottage, as the various paint colors adorning its exterior surfaces attested—sky-blue window frames, deep-green door, a red porch rail. It stood amongst a grove of willow gums, the shade of the ancient trees painting it in dappled shadows.