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Assassin Page 2

  Jaienna killed the thought before it could take hold of her heart and make her truly angry, returning her focus to the Yrathian before her. She was curious about who he and his partner really were. Nothing either of them could say or do would make her believe they were Bliss dealers, no matter how convincing their act, and if they were interested in Psy Lyso she was interested in them.

  An image of the Terran popped into her mind—tall and dark, with strangely golden eyes and a hard body made for killing. A pulse in her neck fluttered and she drew in a short breath, her pussy pumping with a sudden warm rush of lust.

  Her steps faltered and she bit back a soft curse. Since when did she get all hot and horny over some male? She didn’t. Not anymore.

  Shaking her head, she shoved the Terran from her mind. She was used to lethal games—it was her old job, after all—but something about that man sent a shiver down her spine. There was something frightening about him. Something…hidden.

  Something exciting too.

  “Here’s an empty one.” The Yrathian’s smooth voice jerked her back from the disturbing thought. Like all male Yrathians, his cheeks bore the scars of his adolescent sexual initiation, an ancient tradition which marked a boy’s coming of age—the more complex the pattern, the greater sexual prowess. The scarring that marred his cheeks not only marked him as a Master Pleasurer, but was the most intricate she’d seen. Finding out his true identity was going to be very enjoyable. Another ripple of excitement threaded through her. Her sex contracted in anticipation but before she could take a step into the vacant sex-den, an image of the disturbing Terran again flashed through her head again.

  “I won’t bite.”

  Jaienna started, her pulse racing. She blinked, confused. “I’m sorry, sir?”

  The Yrathian stood waiting at the den’s dark entrance, a worried expression on his face, clear grey eyes studying her. “I don’t know how that bastard treats you, but I promise I won’t hurt you.” He gave her a warm smile, scars glowing like mercury on his utterly handsome face. “In fact, I’d like to do the complete opposite.”

  Jaienna frowned. “Which is what?”

  Perfect white teeth glinted in the corridor’s dim lighting as he smiled. “Why don’t you let me show you.”

  * * *

  Zeric watched Lyso withdraw a small portable holo-box from the voluminous folds of a coat thrown over the back of the oral pleasure chair, the sour stench of old sex curling through his nose. It made him on edge, and for reasons he didn’t want to examine conjured the memory of the Raavelian slave into his mind. For a split second he wondered if Jak already had his tongue buried in her sex and another shard of acrid jealousy stabbed into his chest. He ground his teeth, capturing the growl in his throat before it could make a sound.

  What the fuck are you doing, Arctos? Focus.

  He pulled in a deep breath, forcing his energy back on the mission. Their orders from Boundary Command were simple: take out Psy Lyso. Once Lyso revealed the drug Zeric would neutralize him and bring him in for interrogation. If the Xolotlan didn’t cooperate the Boundary Command white-coats would be called in to extract the location of his supplier from his brain and Zeric and Jak would have a new target. How the white-coats went about extracting that information Zeric didn’t really want to know. As long as it was extremely painful his conscience could live with it.

  With a snide chuckle, the Xolotlan placed the holo-box on the oral pleasure chair’s seat and pressed his thumb to the activation key. A soft click emanated from the device, almost inaudible, and then a small vial of shining purple liquid appeared, floating just above the top of the holo-box. Lyso’s eyebrow ridge twitched as he looked at Zeric. “I’ve over two hundred. Ready for you as we speak.”

  Zeric studied the image of the deadly drug, every muscle in his body coiled. He needed to see an actual vial, not just a holo one. “How much?”

  “Fifty thousand.”

  “I want them. Now.”

  Lyso clicked off the holo-box and straightened, lips curling into a smug grin. “I never doubted you would. But first, I want to know who you really are.”

  * * *

  The Yrathian, Jak, lay strapped to the X-Zone bed, his body covered in a faint sheen of sweat. His muscles bulged as he strained against the hard leather shackles pinning his wrists and ankles to the submission bed. “Oh, fucking holy shit,” he ground out as Jaienna ran her tongue over his balls. She gently sucked one into the wet cavity of her mouth. “Gods of Urik, woman, what are you doing to me?”

  With a small flick of her tongue, she stabbed at the highly sensitive knot of flesh just below his rigid cock’s head. Another raw groan escaped his throat and she engulfed his cock with her mouth, rolling its girth gently between her teeth.

  “Ah, fuck, I’m going to come.”

  A shudder of anticipation vibrated through her at his raw confession, flooding her pussy with wet heat. Just as she expected, the sex was impressive and she understood now why his cheeks were so elaborately scarred. He’d given her much pleasure in their short time in the den, his tongue and hands very adept, but the powerful surge of ecstasy coursing through her body now had nothing to do with Jak’s touch.

  “I’m going to…” Jak panted, muscles quivering, breath ragged. “I’m going to…” His hips bucked up, once, twice, his balls rising. “Fuck, I’m going to come. I’m going to fucking…”

  Jaienna readied her psyche and on the Yrathian’s groaned “come”, slipped into his mind.

  After you orgasm you will tell me who you and your partner are and what you really want with Psy Lyso.

  The command was short. Planted commands from blowjobs always had to be to the point. Any longer and the suggestion would fade from his mind before his seed finished pumping from his cock.

  Her words buried deep in the Yrathian’s mind, Jaienna slipped one hand around the base of his stiff cock. It was time to finish. She drew the tip of her index finger up to his ass and placed it on his tight sphincter, pressing slightly. He arched against the table, breath heaving in his chest. As his muscles tensed and his balls contracted, she withdrew her mouth from his length in one long, slow sucking slide.

  “Ahh, holy shit!” he burst out, slamming his hips upward in erratic thrusts. A streaming jet of cum spurted from his cock across her hand and splashed onto his thighs.

  A small smile curved at Jaienna’s lips and she took a step backward, her fingers stroking the sensitive flesh high on his inner thigh as she did so. She knew what would happen next. It would take a couple of seconds for him to catch his breath, during which she would unfasten his shackles. He would sit up and tell her how beautiful she was, or how that was the most amazing blowjob he’d ever had, or—if she was really unlucky—that he was madly in love with her. Then, without any prompting—and as long as they weren’t interrupted—he’d tell her exactly what she wanted to know: who he and the Terran were, why they were pretending to be Bliss buyers and what they were planning to do with Lyso.

  She reached for the leather straps on his wrists, letting her breasts brush against his face, just to give the plant an extra kick. His mouth latched onto one of her nipples and he gave it a sharp bite. A little zing of heat stabbed into her pussy at the unexpected nip and she suppressed a swift breath, stepping away from him to let him sit up.

  With a sped she had to admit was impressive, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her down onto his lap. “Gods, woman,” he murmured, gazing into her eyes. “I knew I was in love the second I saw you.”

  She stared at him, dismay sinking into her belly. Oh no, he’s one of those.

  He stared at her, silent, his palms smoothing over her back in gentle caresses.

  Jaienna remained motionless in his embrace, chewing on her bottom lip. Waiting for her suggestion to kick in. Come on. Come on.

  He tugged her closer, lips curling into a smile of sheer joy…until the muscles in his face relaxed and his eyes became distant. Almost vacant.

  Yes. Jaien
na stiffened, knowing exactly what would happen next. Here it comes.

  The Yrathian opened his mouth, gazing at her with blank eyes. “Zeric and I are Boun—”

  The den’s door slammed open, the imposing Terran charging into the small room, a lethal pulse pistol gripped in one hand. “On your feet, Jak!” he snarled, stopping at the foot of the bed. “It’s time to go.” He flicked a quick look over her, his strange eyes—more gold than ever—unreadable. The sound of a furious Xolotlan squeal shattered the quiet of the den and the Terran raised his gun, a bleak grin stretching his mouth. “Kiss the slave goodbye, partner. We’ve gotta go. Now!”

  Chapter Two

  Jak didn’t move. For a second.

  The hesitation was so out of character, Zeric frowned. He shot another look at the slave girl sitting on his partner’s lap, ignoring the way his cock twitched at her naked perfection. Agitation glinted in her unusual green eyes. Agitation and frustration.

  He turned back to Jak, gripping his pulse pistol tighter. “Come on, mate. Let’s go.”

  Jak blinked and shook his head, his eyes bright and clear, as if he’d just come out of a trance. “Zeric?” His arms curled around the Raavelian with obvious possession, holding her closer to his body. “What’s up?”

  “Time’s up. We gotta go,” Zeric repeated, anger threading through his patience. What the hell was Jak’s problem? Had the woman fucked his brains out?

  He gave the slave a longer look, once again fighting with the rising interest in his groin. With the exception of the gold slave collar around her throat, she was as naked as the day she was born, even the ridiculously skimpy loincloth was nowhere to be seen.

  Jezu, she’s got a gorgeous body.

  The thought was both exciting and distracting. He bit back a curse, glaring at the Raavelian. The last thing he or Jak could afford right at the moment was a distraction.

  He moved his stare back to his partner and scowled. By the intimate way Jak’s arms wrapped around her, as if he cradled the most precious object created, Zeric figured a distraction was exactly what he had on his hands. He hefted his gun higher. Shit.

  Another screeching yell rent the air, sending a chill up Zeric’s spine. Double shit.

  Jak leapt to his feet, pulling the slave-girl closer to his body. “Is that Lyso?” He gave Zeric a stunned look. “What the fuck happened? Do you have the—”

  Zeric shook his head, unable to hide his scowl. “I’ll fill you in on The Reaper. C’mon, partner, we gotta go.”

  Jak’s jaw muscles bunched. “I’m not leaving Jaienna.”

  Zeric bit back a low growl, the sound emanating deep from within his soul. Great. Now she has a name. “Jak—” he began, but the Raavelian cut him off, those green eyes of hers flashing like Urantian jade as she pulled out of Jak’s strong embrace.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I belong to Psy Lyso.”

  “Not any more you don’t,” Jak snapped back, jerking on his trousers. He grabbed his jacket from the floor and pulled his translocator from a hidden pocket. “You’ll be safe with me.” He reached for her, but she stepped away from him, her movements far more fluid and nimble than Zeric expected from a simple slave-girl.

  A dark sensation stirred in the pit of his gut. Foreboding and—Jezu save him—familiar.

  The Raavelian jutted out her chin and took another step away from Jak. “I can look after myself.”

  Jak looked ready to argue, but Zeric had had enough. “Jak, she’s not yours. Get over it. We’ve got to go. I’ve found out where Lyso’s supplier is, but we’ve gotta get out of here. Now.” He reached for his own translocator tucked into its concealed compartment in his waistband, and let out a snarled curse as a disrupter blast ripped through the air above his head.

  The door burst inward, shattered into splinters by the energy blast. Zeric spun, yanking his gun from it holster, just in time to see Lyso charged through the gaping hole where the door had stood a micro-second earlier, disrupter waving about his head. Blood pissed from a gaping wound on the Xolotlan’s check, painting his blue skin a sickening green, dripping from his chins in rivelets. “Gonna fucking kill—”.

  Jak yanked one of his guns—discarded no doubt, when overcome with lust for the Raavelian—from the den’s side bench and fired at the Xolotlan.

  The blinding-white lecto-pulse punched into the Bliss dealer’s chest, spraying his chins and face in fresh blood, flinging him back against the far wall in a squealing arc. He slammed against the fibra-sheeting with a wet thud, the sound of his flabby body’s abrupt halt turning Zeric’s stomach.

  “Fuck!” Zeric spat, watching Lyso slump to the grimy floor. He shot his partner a narrow-eyed glare, barely controlling his anger. “Get outta here, Jak. Now.”

  He snatched his translocator from his waistband, throwing the naked Raavelian a quick look. Sharp guilt stabbed at his chest at the surprised look on her beautiful face but he shut it from his mind before it could affect him. “Sorry, princess, but you’re on your own now.”

  Jaienna flung herself across the room, her arms wrapping around his torso in a crushing embrace, her stare meeting his. “No,” she whispered, “I’m not.”

  And before he could do anything but suck in a breath, she activated his translocator and sent them both hurtling through space.

  * * *

  Jaienna kept her arms locked tight around the Terran’s hard body, burying her head under his chin. She pulled in a long, deep breath, his scent flowing through her nose and into her lungs.

  Gods, he smells good.

  “You can let go now.”

  Zeric’s voice rumbled low in his chest, thrumming against her cheek. A little shiver ran up her spine at the coarse-velvet timbre of each word and she closed her eyes for a split second. She could let go now, but did she really want to?


  His voice vibrated through her. Her nipples pinched into tight peaks, rubbing against the cool leather of his jacket and sending shooting jolts of heat straight to her pussy. She liked the sound of his voice. A lot.

  Careful, girl. Remember what you’re doing here. Getting horny over a male’s hard body isn’t part of the game plan.

  She had a mission to achieve. She had to focus on that.

  Yeah, but this guy knows where Lyso’s supplier is and that is the game plan. Besides, something tells me he’d be an awesome fuck.

  Jaienna’s pussy fluttered at that last devilish thought and she smiled against his chest. Whatever it was that told her the Terran would be an amazing sexual partner, also told her seducing him would be dangerous, but as long as she focused purely on the sex, she should be fine. All she needed was one good, long orgasm from him—the more powerful the better—and she’d have what she needed. Once she’d planted her suggestion he presented no danger to her any more. Who knew, maybe after that she could indulge in some gratuitous fucking for a while—at least until he took her exactly where she wanted to go. If she really wanted to get extravagant, she could include the Yrathian. It had been a long time since she’d partaken in a threesome for the fun of it and she had to admit, she missed sex for “the fun of it” She hadn’t had sex for “the fun of it” since...

  Shutting down the unwanted thought, she pressed her body closer to his, unable to miss his steely hard-on jutting into her belly. Her pussy gave another little spasm and the tops of her thighs grew wet with anticipation. There was no denying it—she looked forward to fucking his brains out soon.

  Why wait? Now, would be nice.

  Smoothing her hands from around his back, she ran them over his chest, the snug, supple leather of his shirt making his nipples easy to find. She stroked each one with her fingertips and was rewarded with a sharp intact of air through his teeth. And a nudging poke against her belly from his stiff cock. She smiled, lifting her head to gaze up at his face.

  Hard, amber-gold eyes looked down at her. Studying her with piercing intensity, their amber depths unlike any humans’ she’d seen before. They were
hypnotic. And scary.

  Too scary.

  Her pulse suddenly pounding in her neck, she stepped back, eager to be away from him but his arms whipped around her ribcage with frightening speed, trapping her against his firm body. “Uh-uh, Raavelian. Not until you tell me what are you’re playing at?”

  She stared up at him, her pulse growing wilder. His eyes refused to let hers go. They seemed to bore into her very soul. Delving. Seeking. If she didn’t stop him soon she feared he’d know every secret she possessed without her saying a single word.

  No. Not good. Not good. Get away now.

  “Nothing.” She struggled to keep her voice more than a husky whisper. “I’m not playing at anything.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true.” She fought to control her heart. Curse it, what the fuck was wrong with her?

  His nostrils flared, his gaze holding her as imprisoned as his arms. “There’s no way you’re a simple slave.”

  The thick ridge of his erection pressed against her belly, taunting her. She wanted to groan. He was as turned on as she, yet nothing in his eyes told her he was as intimidated.

  A hot rope of anger knotted in her chest. She’d never been intimidated by a man before. Gods, she’d never been intimidated period. “Let me go. I was hoping to escape one sleazy prick, not be groped by another.” She fidgeted in his arms, the action doing little except rub her body harder against his. Drawing her attention all to easily to the impressive cock trapped between their stomachs.

  “Grope?” Zeric’s nostrils flared again. “I’m pretty certain I saw you doing the groping back in the Suck and Blow.”

  The knot of anger in her chest rolled tighter and she raised an eyebrow. “What? Disappointed it was Jak Lyso gave me to and not you? You reckon you could fuck as well as the Master Pleasurer? I don’t see your scars, Terran.”

  Those unnerving amber eyes flickered, the black pupils in their center dilating and Jaienna’s pulse kicked up a notch. Gods, girl, what are you trying to do here? Provoke him? You need him, remember? You need to get in his head and to do that you need to fuck him. Or at least make him come. How are you going to do that when he looks like a wild animal about to—