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Outback Master Page 10
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Page 10
Andrew looked at him. “I told you I wasn’t coming.”
Tom lifted his shoulder. “I was horny tonight. Planning my first solo act.”
Amy tried to follow their conversation, but wasn’t having much luck. For a second, it almost sounded as if Andrew and Tom were a couple. “Um, should I leave?”
Tom laughed again. “Hell no. This party doesn’t happen without you.”
“What party?”
Andrew closed his eyes briefly. “Come on, Amy. We’re going to deal with your misbehavior. Then we’re going to continue those lessons.”
“Yeah. Tom and I.”
Amy’s mouth went dry as she tried to process Andrew’s answer. “Um…”
His face lost its tension, as it appeared he’d made up his mind. “You know your safe word. If you want to say it, say it.” She tried to decide if he was hoping for that very occurrence. She didn’t think so, but she couldn’t tell for sure.
Then he winked at her.
Bloody hell. She’d been sleeping with Andrew Shaw for exactly four nights and already the man knew her biggest weaknesses. Her pride wouldn’t let her back down from what felt like a blatant dare and she’d already tested the safe word. She knew he would keep his promise and stop. If she said no to this experience, she’d regret it for the rest of her life.
She’d told Harper her sexual fantasy was to sleep with a stranger. Now Andrew was offering her another chance to explore that kink.
She studied Tom’s face. He would walk away if she spoke the word, she could see it in his eyes. She could also read the hope that lingered there as well.
“I’m not going to say the word.”
Tom released a long breath. “Thank God. After you.” He allowed Andrew, who still held her hand, to lead her out of the social room and down a dimly lit, but elegantly decorated corridor. They stopped in front of a room and Tom held up a keycard, like those used in hotels. For a sex club, Velvet Chains was certainly more upscale and classy than she’d expected.
The three of them stepped into the room together. It was a stylish space, well-lit with over a dozen candles.
Andrew squeezed her hand. She hadn’t faced him since agreeing to the ménage. Part of her was afraid of what she’d see. Did he want this? He’d been the one to suggest it, but there was something in his eyes that had appeared hesitant, uncertain.
She forced her gaze to meet his and breathed a sigh of relief. Andrew was the same, his face compassionate, patient, understanding.
“I have a suspicion this isn’t exactly uncharted territory for you guys.”
Andrew shook his head. “No. It’s not new to us. We always share at the club.”
He hesitated long enough to let her know this wasn’t a conversation he was comfortable having. She’d noticed the same reticence when he’d talked about his family. Andrew Shaw was a private man, which made her all the more interested in peeling back the layers. She wanted to know more about him. Everything.
Which was a bad plan. He was returning to work in two days and she was going home to Farpoint a week later. Better to keep things casual. Fun sex with no strings. Anything more than that was going to be dangerous to her heart.
“Andrew was the one who introduced me to the club, to BDSM. I was anxious to learn more about domination and submission. He offered to walk me through the paces the first few times, but it soon became apparent we liked sharing women. Since then, whenever we’re at the club, we share.”
Tom’s explanation sparked more questions in Amy’s mind. Was that why Andrew had refused to bring her to the club? Because he knew the evening would end with Tom in their bed? If that was true and he didn’t want it, then why were they all in this room together now?
“You only share at the club?”
Andrew nodded. “We’ve limited the threesome play to here. We don’t indulge in the same games when we’re on the road.”
“Or whenever you’re in a serious relationship with a woman?” She was digging. Amy hoped Andrew didn’t figure it out.
Tom chuckled. “I don’t share my girlfriends with Andrew.”
The answer didn’t satisfy her. Didn’t tell her what she wanted to know.
When Andrew failed to respond, Tom filled in the other blank. “And Shaw here is a commitment-phobe. Never been in a serious relationship with a woman in all the time I’ve known him.”
Tom missed the slight wince his words provoked from Andrew, but Amy didn’t. She wasn’t sure how to handle that information. Not that it mattered. She couldn’t be his girlfriend. Time and geography were not on her side. But she couldn’t help wondering why Andrew was reluctant to fall in love, to get close to someone. From all Harper had said over the past year, she knew Andrew loved his sister intensely. So why was he resistant to letting those emotions carry over to someone else?
Andrew stepped closer, pulling her shirt over her head before she could consider his actions or the consequences of them. It was an evasion—pure and simple. The conversation was over.
It didn’t matter. She was ready for this.
Her heart skipped a beat when Tom came up behind her, his hands gripping her bare waist, his lips lightly kissing the side of her neck.
Andrew watched her, studied her reactions. She smiled as she ran her hand along his chest. Slipping loose the buttons on his shirt, Andrew pulled it off so she could touch bare skin.
Tom unfastened her bra, letting the lace fall to the floor. Amy shivered slightly when he reached around her, touching her breasts, toying with her tight nipples.
“God,” she said on a hushed breath.
Andrew smiled. “You’re so fucking sexy, Amy.”
She lifted her hands to his shoulders. “Kiss me.”
Andrew complied, bending to press his lips against hers as Tom continued to play with her breasts. Andrew cupped her cheeks in his large, strong palms, turning her head to deepen the kiss. She’d never tasted such passion. For a moment, she actually felt lightheaded.
Tom’s hands drifted lower, moving to the back once more as his fingers worked to lower the zipper on her leather skirt. Then he tugged the tight material over her hips. Amy kicked it off when it hit the floor. She was completely naked except for her G-string and heels.
Tom’s hands ran over her bare buttocks. When his fingers traced the thin strap of her G-string along her slit and discovering her secret, he groaned. “Jesus, Andrew. What the fuck?”
His amazed tone distracted Andrew, who released her lips. She winked at him and he grinned. “So basically you only followed one of my instructions for tonight.”
She shrugged. “Yep. But I figured it was the one that really mattered.”
Tom stopped touching her, so she glanced over her shoulder. He was giving Andrew an odd look. “She disobeyed you by coming here. Should we punish her?”
Andrew shook his head quickly. “No. I’ll take care of the punishment later.”
Tom frowned. “But—”
“I said I’d handle it, Tom.”
Confusion filled Tom’s eyes, but he dropped the subject. “Why don’t we move this party to the bed?”
Amy swallowed heavily. Bloody hell. She was really going to do this, wasn’t she? She kept waiting for panic to set in, but her damn libido had kicked that emotion to the curb. She led the way to the bed, soaking up the sound of both men chuckling behind her.
“Anxious, Amy?” Andrew asked.
She threw him a sexy grin over her shoulder. “Very. So hurry up.”
Tom scowled but Andrew didn’t take offense at her haughty demand. Instead, he walked over and placed a none-too-gentle smack on her arse. “Behave, wildcat.”
She closed her eyes, trying to think of something else saucy to say to get him to spank the other cheek.
Before she could come up with a witty reply, Andrew’s hand pressed on her shoulder. “Bend over. Let’s get that plug out of you, so we can fill
you up with something a bit warmer. Like me.”
She let Andrew push her forward until her elbows hit the mattress. Then he tapped on her inner ankles, indicating he wanted her to spread her legs. She complied as both men stepped behind her. Her body grew warm as she considered exactly what she was displaying.
“God fucking dammit,” Tom muttered. “What an ass.”
She giggled, the sound provoked by equal portions of nerves and delight. She’d never felt sexy back home. She’d grown up with most of the available men on the station. As a result, they didn’t seem able to look beyond the little girl she’d been to notice the woman she’d become.
Andrew’s hand stroked her arse before pulling her G-string aside and grasping the end of the plug. He slowly pulled it out as Amy fought not to squirm with pleasure. He was going to take her there. She sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm down, her patience ebbing. She wanted him now.
A thunk behind her told her Andrew had dropped the plug to the floor. Maybe she wasn’t the only one struggling to go slowly.
“Get undressed and get on the bed, Tom. On your back.” As Andrew directed the other man, Andrew helped her stand with a steadying hand on her arm. Tom began to disrobe and Amy became aware of who the more dominant Dom in the room was. Andrew was going to call the shots and, given Tom’s quick response, he would be obeyed.
At least by Tom.
She tried not to laugh at the thought.
“That’s not a look I trust,” Andrew whispered, noticing her humor.
“That’s because you’re smart.” She turned her attention back to Tom as her mirth dissipated. Bloody hell. The cameraman was built. His clothing had been too baggy to fully display the muscles the man was packing. He’d be hell on the rugby field.
Once Tom was naked, he lay down on the mattress, his hard cock betraying his own enthusiasm for their play.
“Now you.” Andrew tugged her G-string down. “Kick off your shoes.”
She toed off the heels, instantly missing the three extra inches of height. Andrew suddenly loomed over her again. While she liked feeling petite next to him, there was definitely some power in being taller.
Andrew kissed the top of her head. “Crawl onto the bed. Get on your hands and knees, over Tom’s body.”
She reacted quickly, not giving herself time to consider her compliance. Tom reached for her breasts as she climbed over him, his palms cupping the fleshy mounds.
“You’re beautiful, Amy.”
Tom’s kind words washed away the last trace of doubt. Tonight would be yet another memory of the greatest trip of her life. Another image she could pull out to dream about when life at Farpoint became routine, dreary or unbearable.
The mattress sank as Andrew joined them. It was only then that Amy realized he’d shed his clothing as well. His hand stroked her arse.
“Amy—” he started.
“I’m not saying the word, Andrew. Promise.” She cut him off, knowing he was offering her one more out. She wasn’t taking it. If she walked away from these men and their sexy, amazing offer now, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. She wasn’t interested in regrets.
Andrew reached toward the nightstand, retrieving a new tube of lubrication and two condoms. “You can still say the word, Amy. Anytime. Just remember that.”
She nodded, then gasped when he pressed the nozzle of the lube into her arse and squeezed. She was still slick from the lubrication she’d used on the plug, but she appreciated Andrew’s thoughtfulness. She was new to this and he was going out of his way to make sure she didn’t experience too much pain.
He worked the sticky gel inside her with one finger, and then two. The pressure felt good, made her hot. She pushed against his thrusts, trying to drive him deeper. His free hand gripped her hip firmly. “Don’t move, Amy. I know you don’t like to take orders, but you will obey me on this. We’re doing this at my pace. Not yours. If you can’t follow that command, I’ll turn you over my knee until you understand exactly who’s in charge here.”
Bloody hell. Andrew’s deep tone, his darkly sensual threat sent shivers through her body. Maybe she was more submissive than she realized because at that moment, she suspected she’d kiss his feet if he demanded she do so.
“Yes Sir,” she whispered.
Tom grinned at her reply, his expression one of surprise and humor. He seemed to understand the words didn’t come naturally to her, but he clearly appreciated her attempt. “Come here, Amy.”
Tom’s hands engulfed her waist, pulling her down until the head of his cock nudged at her entrance.
“Forgetting something, Danner?”
Tom grimaced. “Fuck. Yeah.” He held his hand out as Andrew dropped a condom into it. Amy giggled when he tore the package open with his teeth then donned the thing in record time.
“Get back here.” Tom pulled her in place over his cock. As he guided her hips, she slowly lowered herself onto his wide girth. He wasn’t quite as large as Andrew, but he had enough to hit her hot spots.
Amy gasped. She was having sex with a stranger. Again.
Once Tom was fully seated, his grip tightened and he held her still. She started to protest his firm hold, wanting more friction, more movement, but Andrew’s hand caressed her arse and she froze.
Moment of truth.
She heard the second condom wrapper open mere seconds before she felt Andrew’s cock nudging at the tight opening of her anus. She closed her eyes and held her breath.
“Breathe,” Tom coaxed. “And try to relax.”
Easier said than done. Andrew was much larger than the plug. Stretched arsehole or not, this was going to hurt.
“Okay, Amy?” Andrew asked.
The compassion in his voice instantly relaxed her. This was Andrew. He would take care of her. She let the magic of the moment sweep her away. “Yes.”
Andrew slowly pressed in, stopping several times to give her a chance to adjust, to accept this new erotic invasion.
Finally, the last inch found its way home. None of them moved. Instead, they savored the sensations of being so closely connected—bound by flesh and sweat and passion.
Andrew was the first to break the silence. “Jesus,” he muttered. “Amy.”
Her heart beat faster at the sound of her name, spoken in hushed tones. Bloody hell, she’d never felt so cherished, so adored. This was bad. Just a few days in and she was falling hard for Andrew Shaw. Really hard.
Tom began to thrust his hips, the shallow movement rocking her to the core. “Holy God,” she whispered.
Tom stopped.
She shook her head. “No. Keep going. Please.”
Andrew’s hand caressed her arse gently, then he gripped her hips and took her at her word. She’d never experienced anything so intense or overwhelming. Every sense in her body was on full alert as tingles raced along her spine. Both men murmured sexy words as they stroked her sensitive skin. Sweat rolled down her cheek as the temperature in the room spiked. It felt as if she were immersed in the center of a volcano, caught in a swirling vortex of heat, pain, pleasure.
Tom cupped her breasts, kneading her heavy flesh as Andrew grasped her hips, using his hands to drive her motions. And his. And Tom’s. He was in control of them all, directing the symphony until thunder roared in her ears and she screamed out her release.
Tom followed her next, his deep voice groaning as he came inside her. Andrew was the last to be consumed. He leaned over her back, kissing her shoulder and the nape of her neck as he whispered her name, again and again.
“Bloody hell,” she said at last as both men chucked exhaustedly.
Andrew pulled out carefully, then collapsed onto the mattress by their side. She lay boneless atop Tom’s body, unable to move. They were all breathing heavily, Tom’s heart beating out a rapid rhythm in her ear.
Amy’s eyes drifted open, closed, then open again. She was sluggish, replete, exhausted.
Tom’s hand cupped her jaw and he lifted her face. “You were incre
dible, Amy.”
She froze when she realized he was leaning closer to kiss her. It was silly to hesitate, considering his flaccid penis was still inside her. Regardless, it was Andrew’s kisses she craved.
Tom was a mere inch from her when Andrew’s deep voice cut the silence. “Wait.”
Tom paused, glancing over at Andrew.
Slowly, Andrew sat up and reached for her. She pushed herself up as well.
“Come here, Amy,” Andrew beckoned.
She let him take her into his arms, wrapping her tight in his powerful embrace. “Thank you for keeping an eye on her until I could get here, Tom.”
Tom’s gaze narrowed. “That sounds like a dismissal.”
Andrew lifted one shoulder. Amy watched the two friends with fascination, listening to the words that weren’t being spoken. Andrew didn’t want Tom to kiss her. She tried not to let that idea sink in too deeply. She was already having trouble with her heart. This romantic gesture wasn’t going to help.
“I’m sorry. I just…” Andrew’s words faded, but neither she nor Tom needed to hear the rest.
Tom grinned. “Gotcha.” He placed a soft kiss on Amy’s cheek. “Thanks for a wonderful evening.”
She laughed. Talk about an understatement. She’d never had a night like this and couldn’t for the life of her figure out a way she could ever top it. “Ta muchly, Tom.”
He dressed, his gaze returning to the two of them sitting in each other’s arms. Andrew hadn’t moved to kiss her or cover her up. In fact, the poor lad was looking a bit shell-shocked. It was awesome.
As Tom walked to the door, he turned and gave them a quick nod. Then he said, “It’s about time,” and left.
Andrew released a long breath. She wanted to call him out, to question why he’d sent Tom away. She didn’t get a chance.
Andrew told her everything she needed to know with his kiss. He gripped her cheeks between his hands, placed his lips on hers and the world brightened with crystal-clear focus.
Her bloody heart gave up the fight. It surrendered a very large part to Andrew Shaw and it was pointless to try to hold on to it.